It was supposed to be so pretty outside today…

Really.   They said low 50’s and sunshine.  Instead i went running uphill on ice at 6am.  It was my birthday present to myself.  I haven’t blogged much lately, and i apologize.  The holidays kicked in and then procrastination and a whole lot of rationalization convinced me to let it easily slip my mind.

Much has happened in the interim.  Our Marketing manager over at CMS, EJ Nogaski, has left to move out east and pursue real estate, raise his family and occasionally climb at the Red River Gorge.  We wish you well, EJ.  Live it up out in the Bluegrass state.

Chris Van Leuven is taking over EJ’s position.  If you see him hanging around the office, make sure to say hi to our new marketing manager and his dog, Jake.

Speaking of dogs…. we love them here at the BRC.  My dog Louis and Chris Wall’s dog Charlie are frequent loiterers in the BRC office.  We have two newcomers though.  First, of course, is Jake.  And second, is Bear, Cathy’s newest family addition.  Bear is a german sheperd/border collie mix and has drummed up quite a bit of attention from all the kids passing by the office door.  But be careful, she’s going through a biting phase!

As far as routes go, we have a pretty stiff set in the expansion bouldering right now.  This set was all about dynamic, bouldery and comp-style big moves.  I promise…. the next one will focus on kid friendly and technical problems.  I’ve added a few more routes to the gym.  We’ve been short on 5.12+, and i’ve tried to add it in areas that can be top-roped or auto-belayed.  There’s a new crimpfest up just left of the small bouldering cave on the auto belay.  Warm your fingers up good and give it a go.

We’ve also hired a new part time setter, Aubrey Wingo.  Aubrey moved here from Florida and is currently working to attain her level 2 USAC setting certification.  You’ll see some routes tagged “ALW”.  Feel free to let us know what you think of her routes and welcome her to the crew.

Enjoy the new year!

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