We are here to help you achieve your indoor and outdoor climbing goals. Based on your objectives, we tailor a program to capitalize on your strengths and to fully address your weaknesses so that we can turn your goals into accomplishments. Through continuous evaluation, your training will take on a whole new scope.
Your program will include:
- Intensive climbing technique analysis and movement development
- Mental focus and relaxation drills
- Cross conditioning to increase performance and decrease injury
Everyone has natural talents and abilities. Training with one of our trainers and coaches will give you the confidence and knowledge to take those talents and hone them into skills and abilities that are truly rewarding.
Meet Our Personal Trainers
Chris Wall, Training and Coaching Director
M.S. Exercise Physiology, NSCA CSCS, MAT Specialist

Chris Wall is Boulder Rock Club’s head trainer and coach. He has been training and coaching climbers of all abilities for over 30 years. He has written performance and training articles for many climbing and conditioning magazines, and is currently the head coach of Team BRC.
Chris holds a masters degree in exercise physiology and is an NSCA Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist. He has taught climbing performance camps and seminars across the country and has worked with numerous trainers, exercise scientists, and coaches to develop a complete training philosophy and program that is fun and effective.
Training Packages with Chris Wall
Our goal here is to create a comprehensive individualized training program consisting of either on the wall training and coaching, strength and conditioning, or a combination of the two. Participants will have their fitness and technical ability evaluated in order to correctly design and implement the best custom training program for them. Participants will receive:
- Pre-Evaluation training session
- Hands on preparation for your Technical Fitness Evaluation
- Technical Fitness Evaluation
- Personal Training Sessions with Chris to implement your training program
- Custom Workouts to complete on your own each week
These packages are for clients wanting medium to long term training and coaching. This is a must for athletes who are looking to maximize the benefits of having and coach and trainer.
5 sessions: $400
10 sessions: $750
Contact Chris at cwall@boulderrockclub.com to schedule.