Personal Training at the BRC: Success Story

I started training Alan Craik in June 2010.  Alan had been contemplating using a trainer for several months.  He was very de-conditioned when we started, and his exercise schedule consisted entirely of two evening climbing sessions per week.   Alan is a registered Nurse who works in the OR.  He understands the importance of diet and exercise.  More importantly, Alan has a form of Leukemia (which is currently in remission), so his health is of critical importance. 
Our training consists of two weekly hour-long sessions where we focus on circuit-based full body training. The order of the exercises allows Alan to recover just enough between sets. Reps consist of 8-10, typically with a two set grouping, with the second exercise being core-based. Alan typically maintains a heart rate of 90-120 bpm throughout the session.  We use primarily multi-plane, functional movements that target multiple muscle groups via Kettlebells, body weight exercises, dumbbells, and select cable-based machines. 
The combination of Alan’s discipline and adherence to the program has, and continues to produce impressive results.
·      Starting Body Weight: 220 lbs
·      Current Body Weight: 208 lbs
·      Strength: Alan has made massive strength gains: he has nearly doubled the amount of resistance he can push, pull, swing, and press.  For example: he started with 3 pushups max, now he is now up to 30 reps.
·      Previous Climbing Level: 10b
·      Current Climbing Level: 11b
Alan continues to get stronger, leaner, and fitter on a weekly basis. And, as a bonus, his climbing has jumped a number grade!
Dan Levison
Personal Trainers at the BRC

To find out more about training with Dan check out our website or drop him an email.

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