Mini-Cave Setter Competition Results!

The rules of the mini comp were simple – Set an advanced route and a mix of team BRC kids, members and staff will grade them from 1-10.  If you miss the adv. grade you are penalized 1 point per grade away from mid advanced.  We left the problems up for 3 days over the weekend and below are the results.

1st Place  –  NG        7.46/10       Grade: Adv.     Problem: #4

2nd Place – ALW     7.03/10       Grade: Adv.     Problem: #6

3rd Place –  Jay S.    6.84/10      Grade: Adv.     Problem: #2

4th Place – Smarvz  6.81/10       Grade: Adv.     Problem: #3

5th Place – TJ           6.05/10       Grade: Adv.-    Problem: #1

6th Place – SD          5.50/10       Grade: Adv.+   Problem: #5

A few notes –

TJ and SD were both adjusted down 1 point due to missing the grade, so TJ just missed 2nd place.

This was a setting comp, but these were not “competition” routes.  Comp routes are set very differently to boggle the minds of the youth and elite climbers.  Members tend to find them less appealing.

Sean (SD) wins the most loved and most hated, receiving by far the most 10’s and 1’s.  If you like problems demanding flexibility, then you probably loved his.

Jay just barely squeaked by with an advanced instead of advanced -.

The grading was all across the board, which just goes to show people like all kinds of different problems.  And these six all felt very different from each other, style-wise.

And lastly, the results are indicative of nothing!  This was just for fun!

The real question is, did you manage to guess who set what?



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